Sunday, February 22, 2015

Civil Disobedience

Civil Disobedience Between Thoreau and King

Civil disobedience is the active, public, conscientious breach of the law to bring about a change in law or public policy. The civil disobedience portrayed in Letter From Birmingham Jail employs several rhetorical strategies that are strong in influencing critics of his views on racial civil disobedience. Martin Luther King Jr.'s essay appeals to the spiritual, emotional, and logical side of his audience. King uses religion, given the fact that he is trying to persuade Christians. Second, Dr. King appeals to ethos, he tries to appeal to their human and goodness side. Third, King employs analogies to emphasize his argument against racism.  His campaign to end segregation at lunch counters and segregated hiring practices caught the attention of millions when authorities attacked the peaceful campaigners. King was incarcerated with a large number of his supporters, along with a few black students. When a white clergy opposed to Kings position on non-violence resistance, King sent a letter to state his philosophy of nonviolence disobedience. In his letter, King conveys the struggles faced by African americans during this time and the need for change. Luther thinks that Negroes have injustice compared to the whites in terms of political and economic rights. Henry David Thoreau was a philosopher and writer best known for his attacks on American social institutions and the importance of individuality and self-reliance. He practiced civil disobedience in his own life and spent a night in jail on July of 1846  for his refusal to pay taxes in protest of the Mexican War. He was against slavery and war in Mexico and refused to pay the government tax for the war. It is thought that this night in jail prompted Thoreau to write Civil Disobedience. Thoreau appeals to the logic of what the government is able and not able to accomplish. The ethical appeals for the protest against the government is that people should choose their own government that suits them. Finally, he demonstrates emotional appeal by stating some of the things that the government do for the people.Henry David Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr. both attempt to argue for the rights to disobey authority if there is social injustice. Thoreau analyzes the duty and responsibility of citizens to protest and take action against corrupt laws of the government. Likewise, King conveys to his audience that the laws of the government against blacks are intolerable and that civil disobedience should be used as an instrument of freedom. Although Martin Luther King and Henry David Thoreau practices non-violent civil disobedience, they have many similarities and differences on how they approach the audience.

 In “ Letter From Birmingham Jail” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s letter glances into the actuality of racial segregation in the 1960s. King shows literary statements using several rhetorical strategies. His first approach to reach his audience is through ethos.  Although the letter was meant for the eight clergymen , it spoke to the whole nation. His strategy  gives him the ability to persuade to the readers and his civil rights activists to feel compassion towards the injustice done to the Negro people. He hoped that wide majority of the white moderate would understand that the law and order exists for the purpose of establishing justice. He states the obvious points to ironically accuse his opponents. King is not only speaking for racism, but injustice in general. Luther gets his inspirations from the Bible's guidance to love his enemies.Majority of his letter really gets to the emotions of the audience. Many of the people during this time were Christians so he uses several verses with the sermons from the bible. He draws the attention of church leaders to the hardships of jail. He is saying that blacks had lives no better that the life in jail.  Henry David Thoreau also thought injustice toward the American people was wrong.He refused to pay taxes to the American government for the war with Mexico. However, it was illegal to refuse to pay taxes which are owed to the government. Thoreau was arrested and thrown in jail. In his books, "Resistance to Civil Government", Thoreau issues civil disobedience against the government. One way to have an emotional connection with the audience is to have  common experience. That is way he describes himself as a common taxpayer just like any other citizen. He appeals by citing what the government doesn't do. He states, “It doesn’t keep the country free. It does not settle the west. It does not educate.” He sees that majority rule runs the risk of over throwing the role of individual conscience. 

 King and Thoreau speak with several different tones that lets the audience understand where the author is coming from. In "Civil Disobedience," Thoreau speaks as a teacher, advisor, and advocate, while, King speaks as a minister, civil rights leader, advocate, and African American victim. The activists speak as sorts of advisors, but King speaks almost as a "holy" advisor because he is a minister. They similarly speak as advocates of civil disobedience, but Thoreau also portrays the fact that he speaks as a critic towards the government actions, when King is more respectful. King speaks as  a victim of social injustice because of racial differences. Both speak with many different roles that connect the author with the audience. Luther tries to appeal to the audience by using logic and reasoning. In his letter, King tries to avoid flaws of the traditional Negro sermons by presenting his arguments in a logical way. By giving examples such as presenting the real scenario of the life of the Negro, he gains sympathy from church leaders and other readers. “ But when you see vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whims…” King gives some examples of the tortures and suffering the African American had to go through. He only states the facts of what is currently happening to arouse sympathy. Henry Thoreau is appealing to the audience about the wrongdoings of the government. He appeals that government accomplishes nothing on its own. It would need the people of America to set a law.  He uses logos here in order to portray how foolish it would be to give oneself over to the government being useless. For example,the government declared war on Mexico although most of the Americans does not want want war. “ The government is best when it governs least.” Thoreau asks for a better government who can relate with the people or no government at all. He assumes that people in prison are honest men for voicing their opinions, just like he did. 

 King uses ethos to convey the duty of morals as a human being. He wants moral justice to overcome the traditional norms which were unjust in nature. He believes that the value of the Christian religion is equality and mutual respect. The letter states  “How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?” The answer is that there are just and unjust laws. The white folks are complaining that African Americans are always causing a disturbance and breaking set law. However, there are laws to follow and not follow. King uses ethos appeal in reminding the reader about his role as a religious leader. Another important thing to note is this letter was written during a time of racial segregation, and the response was to religious leaders that were white. Also, calling them 'fellow clergymen' was ethical appeal of being an equal in status. Thoreau appeals that the audience should make the right decisions for themselves. He wants people to choose their own government that suits them. He believes one honest man can inspire others and asserts that each people shouldn’t support a wrongdoing. 

 Thoreau and King both speak to large audiences. They similarly speak as advocates of civil disobedience, but Thoreau also portrays the fact that he speaks as a critic towards the government actions, when King speak of the discrimination of a certain race. The two essays also have many differences of the analysis of ethos, pathos, and logos, but it is obvious that the overall purpose was to persuade the audiences that civil disobedience is necessary if there is social injustice. 

Works Cited

 King, Martin Luther. “ The Social Organization of Nonviolence.” A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr. Ed. James Melvin. Washington. Harper Collins, 1991.

 Thoreau, Henry D. “ On the Duty of Civil Disobedience.” Constitution Society. Web. Oct.-Nov. 2010. <>

 King, Martin Luther. “ Letter From Birmingham Jail.” The Atlantic Monthly; August 1963; The Negro Is Your Brother; Vol 212, No. 2; pages 78 - 88. <>

Green Living Question 1

Question 1
Green Living

Green Living Question 1

As the world as evolving, pollution has been an increasing problem. This is why green living has become a source to conserve our land and natural resources. It is a practice that promotes wise use of natural resources. Many parts of the world is now discussing whether conservation should be required from all citizens.  However, should the government be allowed to force the practice of green living? The government should be responsible for fostering the green practices.
For the past few years, America’s bad habits have weakened our society’s ability and willingness to conquer big challenges that face us. It has been led to believe that America has lost its way due to many disasters such as the 9/11 incident.  The world is getting “, flat, and crowded (source c).” It both means literally and figuratively. As the middle classes rise and population grows, our planet is becoming more and more unstable. Thomas Friedman states that in order for our planet to get cleaner, we have to create “, systems, energy sources, and ethics.” The government is the one who should be responsible in providing for the people what is needed to a green lifestyle. The government fostering the citizens with tools for green practices will allow America to prosper.
The congress has been considering anti-global-warming legislation; however, environmentalists disagree. The Environmental Defense Fund claims, “For about a dime a day, we can solve climate change (source D).” EPF says that an average household can have the costs as low as 98 dollars per year because high energy prices are partly established by government rebates. These are the unrealistic conclusions because the economy is always non-stop moving, so the economy constantly accommodates major changes. One study from Massachusetts Institute of Technology shows “....transportation needs in 200f with locally produced biofuels would require 500 million acres of U.S. land- (source D).” The selling of the green economy might lead to uncertain reliability, which can maximize the dangers of global warming.
Countries around the world are making an effort to conserve natural resources. Source E represent a chart of about 54% of the world’s total carbon dioxide emissions. It states, “American and Japanese residents express the highest levels of environmental stewardship (source E).” This was ale to happen because of the strong government involvement. Since the government took on the task in helping green practices, the United States and Japan was able to conserve the most compared to the other countries.
If government takes on the full responsibility of fostering green living, America would become powerful and influential to other parts of the world. The sooner the government and citizens take charge in living the green life, the world will become wealthier and healthier.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Descriptive Essay: My Winter Break

Descriptive Essay: My Winter Break

Winter break for me was from December 19 - January 12, 2015. This break is given to students in celebration of the holidays. Two of the most important holidays, in my opinion,  include Christmas and New Years. It is a time for relaxation and recovery from the year. My break brought many adventures along with new memories that I will have forever. The Christmas break was both good and bad. The thing that made my break enjoyable was  hanging out with my friends and going on trips. However, there are some regrets I had during my winter break.
During the first week of winter break, I had alot of fun, especially when I spent time with my best friends. On Christmas Eve, I went to Six Flags with my three other friends. We decided to go on this day because Rachel and I had a chance to take two other friends for free. So we went with Matthew and Bart. Since none of us have cars, we took public transportation of subways and buses. Although it is kind of annoying that it takes a long time to get there, time flies when you’re with good company. A soon as we got there, my heart started to race with excitement. We spent 10 hours just having fun and riding roller coasters. Luckily for us, the lines weren’t very long as we expected so we got to ride some ride twice. By lunchtime, we were starving from all the walking and talking, so we ate chicken strips with fries. And let me tell you, it was the most delicious chicken I’ve ever tasted. After that, we all bought similar key chains as a souvenir of this special day. We rode several other ride and took hundreds of pictures under the Christmas lights before heading back home. We ended the Christmas Eve with dinner at Denny’s.
Another fun experience I had during the break was when I went to retreat with my church. It was a last minute decision for me because i had not been to church in months so I was a bit nervous. It was a four day trip to Big Bear Mountains without my phone. When I got to church that morning, I was timid of approaching others until i realized i had nothing to worry about. I was able to connect with my friends who i hadn’t seen for ages and soon became more relaxed and comfortable. One thing i was really hoping for was snow in the mountains. To my disappointment, most of the snow had already melted and turned into rock hard ice. But the good food and fun times made up for my disappointment. Also, on the third day, it started to snow non-stop. By the afternoon, the ground with probably covered with about 10 inches of fresh, powdery white snow. I played in the snow until I got soaking wet and again the next day. The camp was probably the highlight of my winter break.
Not everything goes well during the break. On the last week of my break, my family and I planned to watch a popular korean movie that was recommended by my friend. Since its release, everyone has been going to watch it. On a Saturday, we went to the theatres to buy the tickets after my mom ended; however, the tickets were all sold out. We didn't want to waste the night so we went to grove in search for an American movie. The trailer for “ Into The Woods” seemed pretty fun, so we watched it expecting to be amazed. Sadly, it was the most annoying movie ever. From beginning to end, there was non-stop singing. It was a waste of my time and money.
    Overall, my winter break went well. Despite the small disappointments, my break with filled with excitement and new adventures. My break was the perfect way to end the year 2014. I can’t wait for what this new year will bring.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Academic Autobiography

Academic Autobiography

                Going to school in America has taught me many lessons. I was born in Korea. Just after

 my first birthday, my family moved to America with dreams for me to learn English and have a

 good education. Today, I live with my family here in Los Angeles. They both support

 me academically and always encourage me to do my best.  My mom enrolled me into a SAT

 class during the summer so that I can have practice for the test, she also makes sure I do well on

 my grades. Likewise, my sister supports me by recommending good colleges.
 I grew up in California for most of my life time going to different schools with different

experiences. I went to Third Street Elementary School until fourth grade. My experience with

that school was really great, I have nostalgic memories of having fun with my friends. I used

 to attend the Korean dual language program while in Third Street school. Everyday, my class had

 to stay one hour extra after the school ended to learn to write and read Korean.This class was a lot of fun because we had many performances and events; I’ve had many great memories with this program. I went to John Burroughs Middle School during 7th and 8th grade. Personally, I didn't like my middle school years because it was boring. The one subject that got me through was art class. i like art because it’s a subject where I can relax and just draw with my own style. I love to paint and do projects for art. For both years, I took art as an elective and even received an award in 8th grade.

An influential teacher is someone who can engage the student’s attention. A teacher shouldn’t just pile on work after work in the students, but instead compromise with the students. Whether by acting humorous or having a good teaching method, a teacher should be able to interact with the class. So far, my high school years have been mediocre academically and socially. I have had some good and some lazy teachers, but I’ve learned to cope by just doing my work, no matter the circumstance.   

Creativity Question 3

Question 3

               It has been proven that the public's "creativity quotient" has decreased since 1990. Creativity is something every child and adult have have and it is very important for how well a child does in school. One possible approach to this reputed decline in creativity is to teach cfreative thinking in school. Instead of just pouring fact after fact on the students, creativity should be provided to a class. Creativity creates new ideas and solutions by popular constantly contributing original ideas and receptive to other ideas.
            The world is a matter of national and international importance that are thriving for creative solutions, from saving the Gulf of Mexico to bring peace to Afghanistan to delivering health care. Providing creativity of a class will improve students level of thinking. This will also help the kids to think more with words and do better in writing. The creation of a class in creativity will be a haven for many individuals. This can be a class for the freedom of expression. With the stress out, students will be able to concentrate more on their academics.

           Creativity is another way to know more about yourself. A recent IBM poll of 1500 CEOs proved that creativity as the number 1 leadership competency of the future. Without creativity there might be no stable leaders. Leaders are supposed to give ideas and rules but wihtout the correct mindset, this can not be accomplished. However, it's not just about sustaining our nations economic growth.

           There are and was many influential people in the world. For example, Steve Jobs was the founder of the Apple devie. He did what no one thought of through creativity. Jobs never even went to college and became one of the most successful personn in the world. He was receptive to the ideas of otherss and only concentrate on himself.

           Professor Kyung Hee Kim states, "It's very clear, and the decrease in very significant," she is talking about the downward in creativity. The school board should make a class for creativity, creativity can lead to new ideas, leadership, and success.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Celebrity Advertisements question 2

Celebrity Advertisements
Consumers like to buy products that are trendy and in style. this is the reason why many, if not all, advertisers use a celebrity to persuade someone to buy a certain product.Sue Jozui argues that this kind of advertising is “misleading” to the audience; however, this statement is false. Jozui’s decision to boycott this kind of marketing is over-dramatic and unnecessary. Many   times in commercials or banners, a famous athlete eats a specific brand of food telling people to try it out. This kind of advertising shouldn’t affect the customer’s decision whether to buy or not buy the product. Everyone has their own mind and choice.
No one is being forced to buy something when something is being advertised. “...insults the intelligence of the audience,” Jozui said. She claims that celebrities decision to use a product messes with the audience’s intelligence, but this is never true. Every store you walk into, there will always be a good looking celebrity advertising a product. For example, Ellen Degeneres, a well-known talk show host, advertised the makeup brand called Covergirl. Although this had a huge impact in the company’s profit, it was the user’s decision to  purchase the makeup. People are smart enough to make their own decisions and not follow everything they see.
Advertisers often use the testimony of a celebrity to support a claim. A Jozui says "Am i going to buy the newest SUV because an attractive talk-show host gets paid to pretend he drives one?" If the advertisement seems so like a set-up, the audience will catch on. People know that advertising is just business for a celebrity. The goal is to get the consumers interested in the product, not to mislead them. The main reason why celebrities are promoting the product is because they are trying to make the advertisement interesting and modern.

Locavores question 1


Locavores, people who have decided to eat locally grown or produced products, are increasing throughout the world. Many people choose to eat fresh food rather than food shipped from other countries. although only buying locally grown food can seem healthier, there are many issues  associated with the locavore movement. The locavores movement doesn’t have much benefits as it seems. Being restricted to only purchasing from one place can have damage for others. Also, this food system doesn’t always fit with every society and it can be often confusing.
With any advertisements saying, ‘Save the Planet,’ the locavore movement has gained popularity over the decades. However, buying a produce locally isn’t always better than a produce grown somewhere else, “... it made more environmental sense for a Londoner to buy lamb shipped from New zealand than to buy a lamb raised in the U.K (source C). Locavore would say this is wrong, but New Zealand lambs are raised on pastures with small carbon footprint, whereas many English lambs are produced under factory-like conditions. People shouldn’t focus on transportation, but focus on the quality of the food.
The locavore movement doesn’t always work out for everyone. While the movement sounds superb in theory, it is quite difficult to practice. Also it is the same amount of money for buying either locally or not, “like many developing nations still are - they’re a poor fit in modern urbanized societies (SOURCE F)” The decentralized food system doesn’t always work for new developing areas. This also goes for densely populated urban nations, where centers of food production is miles away.
The term “locally” may confuse many people. People often have different thoughts on what fresh food is, this is why localvorism is quite hard to practice. There are several definitions as to what local is, some supporters arguing for political boundaries, others using terms like food sheds, and others having a certain radii of miles. It can be a difficult situation for some people in other countries if only one place has industrial quantities of fresh produce, corn, meat, and dairy.  Source G, drawn by Alex Hallatt, shows a comic strip of two people confused about becoming a Locavore. The two characters decide to only eat food sourced from within a 100-mile radius, but one comes back with foreign foods. The character then says, “...The supermarket was only a mile away!” The Comic shows that having a restricted radius on where to get local food isn't always the right way.

Processed and frozen foods are often claimed to be unhealthy and full of chemicals. Locavores are people who have decided to only eat local food. They say that it will help their economy and will create a healthier lifestyle. There would be many issues associated with the locavore movement, such as with fuel, nutrition, and confusion. If one has a eye to nutrition as well as sustainability, becoming a locavore is not a good choice.